PrintCB Print Clipboard wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwww fffff` fffff` fffff` fffff` owwwwp Form2 Explination uThis utility will print the contents of the Windows clipboard. It can print Three types of data from the clipboard: Explination 1)TEXT 2)BITMAP 3)D.I.B. Explination To print the clipboard without first being prompted just turn off the 'Prompt before Print' checkbox. IF you then want to return to this configuration screen just 'Double click' the ICON with NOTHING in the Clipboard. Explination ] To Print the clipboard just PASTE something to the clipboard and then DOUBLE-CLICK the ICON PromptBeforePrint Prompt Before Printing TextOnly Text Only Message PrintButton &Print CancelButton &Cancel Form_Click Form_DblClick form2 Windowstate Command1_Click CF_TEXT( Clipboard tempy Printer Command2_Click Form_Resize Windostate? @ Form_Load caption TextToPrintg CF_BITMAP PicToPrint Picture CF_METAFILEs CF_DIBz NULLf Printformer WS_MINIMIZED Print_Switch< FALSEE PrintForm_Switch WS_MAXIMIZEDU WS_NORMAL PicToPrint_Click Fontname0 CancelButton_Click[ Check1_Click PrintButton_Clickx FileType CF_DIP PrintCB OKtoPrint GetClipboardType PrintButton visiblea Printit Message label7 PrintPIC Unload esle7 Printit_ErrorG MinimizedA PromptBeforePrint valueo ElsePrintCB ExitButton_Click TypeDesc TypeDescription CBType6 IC002 CliffU Monthly Reportr FASTm Attended Reach Remote software Began/ evaluation product} Upgraded? JillN setup Attachmate Netbeui gateway Requested gateways Tested Manager Board Compaq) computersd mixed success Created] method gather inventory informationJ DocumentedX support needs project& program check freeK connected9 servers Installed schedule testing looksq Other process RoutersD Bridges Helpg solve problem[ traffice caused improperR wiring virus: scanning procedure Larry section backup optical Cisco0 another lobeK cable router Completed better administrator utilities LanMan Works restores files Wasted hours presentation errno errerrno TextOnly Form_Resize OK to Print: No valid data in Clipboard! Form_Load PrintButton_Click GetClipboardType D.I.B" Bitmap Printit 0 = OK 1 = Errorr No valid data in clipboard An Error occured during print" CancelButton_Click